Hi,friends you may want any website’s RSS feeds to be converted into XML or JSON for your programming purpose so YQL console is a best to do this thing.
YQL is a service provided by Yahoo! and full formed as Yahoo Query Language.XML and JSON decoding are highly used to fetch the data of website or database in today’s world.
XML is heavier to fetch then JSON so XML processing time is more then JSON decoding, so I personally suggest to go with JSON decoding rather than XML processing but XML is richer than JSON so use for your purpose what you need actually.
So,Lets see how to do it.
- Go to http://developer.yahoo.com/yql/console/
- Put following address into YQL STATEMENT
Select your choice XML or JSON and click on TEST.
Here is the screen shot of it and you can use THE REST QUERY to fetch and decode XML or JSON auto generated file.
SELECT * FROM feed WHERE url="[your_site_feed_address]"